Ten Foods That Promote Healthy, Glowing Skin

February 4, 2022

When we have skin issues, the first thing we often do is turn to harsh treatments, medications, and sometimes even birth control. But friend, skin issues are most often a sign of an internal imbalance! Breakouts, Rosacea, Eczema, it’s all your body’s way of sending you a signal that something is wrong on the inside! Do topical treatments work? Many times, yes, but for a moment. Topical treatments are just a band-aid, a temporary fix. The problem always returns, and will continue to do so until you address the root cause. 

There are a few things I always suggest eliminating from your diet when it comes to skin problems, dairy being the first. I know, I know, my friend. I have a deep affection for cheese too. I promise you, it hurts me to say it just as much as it hurts you to hear it. But, if your skin is a wreck, dairy needs to go. Just try it and see what happens! I’ll save the why and the other foods to eliminate for another post, and get to the happy part of this one quickly. 

There are some delicious foods that will nourish and protect your skin, help to keep it glowing and youthful, and some can even protect your skin from sun damage! You can focus on adding more of these to your diet to take the sting out of eliminating the crummy ones. 

These are 10 of the best foods to help protect and improve your skin, and here’s why:

  1. Wild Caught Salmon is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help the skin stay thick, moisturized, and help maintain elasticity. Salmon also contains vitamin E, which is an incredible antioxidant! Antioxidants help protect your skin against free-radical damage. Salmon is also a fantastic source of vitamin B12, which is great for your hair, skin and nails!
  2. Berries- Blueberries can help ease redness for those who have sensitive skin, they are also loaded with antioxidants and other nutrients that help your body build collagen, and support wound healing! (Say goodbye to acne scarring!) Blackberries are rich in vitamin C and anthocyanins. This gives your skin a healthy glow and promotes more rapid cell turnover! Raspberries are also rich in antioxidants, and have the ability to help your body repair from sun damage like wrinkles and brown spots! It also has a built in UV protectant! I still recommend using a topical sunscreen, but how amazing is it to know that you can support your body’s ability to protect itself by eating delicious, healthy foods?

3. Broccoli is a great source of nutrients for your skin!  It has twice as much vitamin C as the orange, so if you’re looking for that healthy glow, reach for a bunch of broccoli before you peel that orange. It also contains sulforaphane which can also help protect the skin against sun damage, and helps your body detox naturally after exposure to airborne pollutants.  There is also evidence suggesting that it can help maintain collagen levels in the skin! Yes, please!!!

4. Avocados are also high in healthy fats. Research is showing that avocados may help protect the body against sun damage as well! Internal sunscreen? I’m seriously still in awe of that!  Avocados also contain vitamins E and C. Vitamin C helps reduce redness and inflammation, and vitamin E helps your body repair damaged tissue. When C and E are combined, the vitamin E is given a boost and it becomes even more effective.

5. Walnuts are also high in those wonderful fatty acids mentioned above. They are higher in Omegas 3 and 6 than most other nuts. Walnuts also help by boosting your skin’s vitamin B levels. Vitamin B helps to combat those fine lines and wrinkles.

6. Spinach is another powerhouse for skin health. I know, I know…it’s not a fan favorite. If you can’t bring yourself to eat it straight, try mixing it in wraps, salads, or smoothies! It’s worth it. Rich in vitamins C, E, and A, it’s a big win for your skin! You’ve seen above with the avocados what vitamins C & E can do, but what about vitamin A? Vitamin A helps to speed up the healing process, and aids in preventing future breakouts. It also helps to keep your skin hydrated!

7. Orange foods like Carrots, Winter Squash, & Sweet Potatoes are foods that can help protect your body against sun damage. Sun damage is second only to smoking when it comes to harmful effects on your skin. High in beta-carotene, these delicious treats may help prevent sunburn, cell death, and the effects of dry skin that come from sun exposure. They also contain natural compounds that help your body repair damaged tissue.

8. Red or yellow bell peppers are high in beta-carotene as well. They are also wonderful sources for vitamin C! Vitamin C can help reduce wrinkling as skin begins to age.

9. Tomatoes are also a great source of vitamin C. Additionally, they contain all of the major carotenoids which as we now know, help your body’s ability to fight sun damage and protect against sun exposure. *NOTE: these carotenoids need fat to be absorbed by the body, so pair tomatoes with avocado oil, or extra virgin olive oil!

10. Dark chocolate- One study showed that women who spent 6-12 weeks consuming high quality cacao daily, experienced thicker, more hydrated skin. Go ahead! Have a bite of that dark, organic, fair trade chocolate bar! It’s another food that helps protect your skin against sun damage/burn. Maybe that will help ease the pain of kicking cheese to the curb.  

How delicious is that list? Are you as hungry after reading it as I am after typing it?

Being healthy is something I learned from a very young age. Looking after yourself on the inside helps with your energy, makes your skin glow, and changes your whole outlook on life.

Phoebe Tonkin

Now that you’ve got the list, let’s chat about this…am I saying you can get by with only eating your skin care and you shouldn’t use anything topically? No, not at all. You still need a good toxin-free skin care regimen to keep your face and neck free and clear of bacteria. You also want to add moisture, nutrients, and anti-aging ingredients topically to match what you’re doing internally!  It’s just that when it comes to breakouts, we’re often too quick to jump on the topical treatments, and those can often do far more damage in the long run than their short-term benefits are worth. 

While you’re here, would you love a skin nourishing smoothie recipe? I’d love to share one with you!

Get Your Glow on Smoothie:

  • 2 cups fresh spinach
  • 1 frozen banana (previously peeled and sliced)
  • 1/2 cup frozen organic pineapple chunks
  • 1 cup frozen organic mixed berries
  • A handful of ice
  • Organic coconut water or filtered plain water to desired texture
  • optional: 1 TBSP chia seeds

    Add the ingredients in the order listed to a high power blender and blend until smooth! (30 seconds-1 minute in a Vitamix) *Why add the ingredients in that order? The heavier, frozen ingredients keep the spinach down near the blades instead of floating around on top! 

I’ve always said that beauty is on the inside, and now we can see that even radiant skin starts within! One more thing to consider is supplementation. I don’t just mean adding supplements either. Some of the worst skin issues I have ever encountered were due to an overdose of iodine! My skin was an absolute cystic wreck once I had gotten my iodine levels where they needed to be, but didn’t stop taking the supplements I was on. You can definitely have too much of a good thing, and your body will let you know!

So, after reading this list, what foods are you most excited about focusing on to get your glow on?

Sources: Mayo Clinic, Healthline, PubMed

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